9:00 AM
Church fellowship hall
Come join a Bible study led by Pastor Dave as we learn about the Psalms
Church fellowship hall
Creekside Grill, Indian Head
Join some of the women from Bethel for lunch and some fun and fellowship in the church fellowship hall. Bring an appetizer or dessert to sha...
Creekside Grill, Indian Head
Bethel church Sanctuary
We invite you to join us on Wednesday evenings for mid-week Advent services. We will be using Holden Evening Pray for the 1st and 3rd servi...
Bethel church Sanctuary
If you are not able to make it to church and would like to receive communion in you home please contact the church office or Pastor Dave. Ch...
Adult and Children's Sunday School
Meals on Wheels
Bible Studies
Backpack Project
Active in providing food bags for shut ins for winter.
Women's Luncheon monthly
Confirmation Program 7-9 graders.
Blankets for Westmoreland Manor at Christmas.
Shoe Box Xmas Program
Roadside clean up
Transportation to and from church events
Very involved in various fundraisers.
Bethel Lutheran Church is a growing fellowship of Bible-believing Christian disciples called to CELEBRATE God's presence in worship, DISCERN God's will in study and prayer, NURTURE God's people through caring and supportive relationships, and EMPOWER God's people for mission and ministry in the Church and in the world.
We have the Service of Word and Sacrament every Sunday at 9:00 am. Adult and children Sunday school starts at 10:15am. All are welcome!
We have Snacks and Coffee after every service.
647 Bethel Church Road, Latrobe, Pennsylvania 15650, United States
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